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Heat treatment furnaces

The Push-Pull Chain is used to forward a load of workpiece in and out of furnaces.

Push-Pull Chain type 60 PD
Stroke length: 2.7 m;
Stroke force: 23,000 N;
Stroke speed: 200 mm/sec

The Push-Pull Chain picks up the load at the furnace entrance and forwards it over the basin into the furnace. During the heat treatment process the chain is stored outside the oven. It is stored upwards between wall and furnace. For this application the small storage-room of the Push Pull chain was decisive. For similar applications chains of annealed steel were used.

Push Pull Chains

  • 3 pitches with altogether 10 types
  • Stroke length up to 30 m
  • Small size due to chain-storage
  • Stroke force up to 35,000 N with one chain

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